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Showing posts from January, 2020

Are These Foods Worth the Cost of Convenience?

Are These Foods Worth the Cost of Convenience?  Pre-Formed Hamburger Patties = NO At my local grocery store they often have pre-formed patties that cost 8 for $7. The patties usually weigh in at ¼ pound, making them cost $3.50 per pound. I often purchase my ground beef when it is on sale for $1.99 per pound, making it a whole $1.51 less expensive per pound if I take the extra 5 minutes to form my own patties. In other words it cost me $4 to purchase the same amount of meat as the pre-formed patties which cost $7, $3 savings! Pre-made salad mix = YES My local grocery store sells pre-made romaine salad mix for $3.74 If I were to chop up the veggies myself for this salad mix I would have to buy: Romaine lettuce $1.48, carrots $.82 and red cabbage $2.18 = $4.48. When all is said and done I do believe if I buy the individual vegetables it would cost less per ounce, but that would be more salad than I would need because it goes bad faster than...