Not only does meal planning save me money, but it also saves my sanity. It nice to know ahead of time whats for dinner, that way I don't have to rack my brain after a busy day or make an unexpected trip to the grocery store. But how does meal planning save me money??? Easy, when I have a plan I buy only what I need and not what I think I need but really don't. Here are some tips I've learned that help me put together a good plan. 1. Get out your Calendar I have spent a lot of money in the past on food that went bad before I got a chance to use it. Often times I would think of a delicious meal but then realized I have to go to a school play, soccer practice or something else. Instead of making said delicious meal I whip up something easy while my other ingredients start to expire. Now while I write out my meal plan I have my calendar right beside me. 2. Be Realistic This tip goes right along with using your calendar. I think the key to having a grea...
This is my debt free journey