Are These Foods Worth the Cost of Convenience? Pre-Formed Hamburger Patties = NO At my local grocery store they often have pre-formed patties that cost 8 for $7. The patties usually weigh in at ¼ pound, making them cost $3.50 per pound. I often purchase my ground beef when it is on sale for $1.99 per pound, making it a whole $1.51 less expensive per pound if I take the extra 5 minutes to form my own patties. In other words it cost me $4 to purchase the same amount of meat as the pre-formed patties which cost $7, $3 savings! Pre-made salad mix = YES My local grocery store sells pre-made romaine salad mix for $3.74 If I were to chop up the veggies myself for this salad mix I would have to buy: Romaine lettuce $1.48, carrots $.82 and red cabbage $2.18 = $4.48. When all is said and done I do believe if I buy the individual vegetables it would cost less per ounce, but that would be more salad than I would need because it goes bad faster than...
Not only does meal planning save me money, but it also saves my sanity. It nice to know ahead of time whats for dinner, that way I don't have to rack my brain after a busy day or make an unexpected trip to the grocery store. But how does meal planning save me money??? Easy, when I have a plan I buy only what I need and not what I think I need but really don't. Here are some tips I've learned that help me put together a good plan. 1. Get out your Calendar I have spent a lot of money in the past on food that went bad before I got a chance to use it. Often times I would think of a delicious meal but then realized I have to go to a school play, soccer practice or something else. Instead of making said delicious meal I whip up something easy while my other ingredients start to expire. Now while I write out my meal plan I have my calendar right beside me. 2. Be Realistic This tip goes right along with using your calendar. I think the key to having a grea...